Invisalign Before and After – Orlando, FL
Invisalign before and after of Ashley who desired to straighten her teeth and also close the gaps between her teeth. She was concerned that her teeth were abnormally spaced and very far apart. For years Ashley wished she could get braces but dreaded the idea of “metal in her mouth”. The idea of traditional braces did not sit well. Not until she discovered the new Invisalign treatment did Ashley commit to her teeth straightening procedure. Here we see how great a job Invisalign braces worked in her Invisalign Before and After photos shown here.
Invisalign Before and After Photos – Treatment Changes Lives

In twenty two months this patient's crowded upper and lower teeth were corrected with Invisalign treatment
Jake’s Invisalign Before and After photos represent 22 months of Invisalign treatment. Jake believed there wasn’t enough room within his jaw for all of his teeth to fit correctly. His doctor told him that when left untreated, his overly crowded teeth would cause dental decay and an increase in the chances of gum disease and would prevent the normal function of his teeth. His Invisalign treatment worked wonderfully well and inspired him to finally get a real haircut! Now Jake is as handsome as ever and sporting a new found confidence. After Jake’s Invisalign teeth straightening procedure, he gained the kind of life-changing confidence you only read about. After his simple Invisalign teeth straightening procedure Jake rose from mediocrity to greatness overnight. The Invisalign treatment gave Jake the confidence he lacked to improve other areas of his life including losing 37 lbs and getting a much improved hairstyle. These changes contributed the confidence Jake needed to seek a higher paying job which brought him better quality friends which then led him to dating a beautiful new girlfriend. Jake recently gained the confidence to propose to his new girl, in which she gladly accepted! Congratulations Jake!
Invisalign Before and After Perfection
Gina’s Invisalign treatment took just 17 months. Following Gina’s Invisalign treatment, she, like Jake, found new confidence in her great new smile. This resulted in Gina finally taking the initiative to lose that extra 35 lbs she had been trying to lose for years.
Gina was unhappy that her upper and lower jaws also seemed to be slightly misaligned. This had caused her upper teeth to bite on the inside of her lower teeth, and she could tell it was causing excessive wear. Her Invisalign doctor told her this issue could also cause gum disease and bone loss.
Some people’s teeth respond much faster with Invisalign treatment or simply do not need as much movement than others and can expect see results of teeth straightening in much less time. Gina’s Invisalign before and after photos certainly show how very little movement in straightening can prove dramatically improved results